Reporting Category Student Score College Board Score Comments
Program Purpose and Function 1 1 Their program has user input, the program functions well, and there is an output for the program. The purpose was there (simulated John Conways Game of Life.) Describes how the code is functioning. States the input for the program and output for the program.
Data Abstraction 1 1 Their answer includes 2 program code segments with 1 storing data and the other is a part of fullfilling the programs purpose. They also identify the variable used (startGrid.) They also describe how the data is stored:the status of one of the 10,800(120 x 90) possible cells on screen. A 0 being dead, and a 1 being alive.
Managing Complexity 1 1 They use a code segment that manages complexity by using a list to store all of the data in one place. The list makes it easier to keep track of the data and easily change data. The explanation is also very detailed about how the code manages complexity.
Procedural Abstraction 1 1 They deserve a 2 because they include a student created procedure with 2 parameters (current and replacement) and they also createcd a code segment that defined what was being call in the above procedure. They also include the functionality of the procedure in the response by saying, "This procedure takes as inputs identifying numbers for two lists. The first will be copied over to replace the second."
Algorithm Implementation 1 1 The student uses sequencing, selection (if statement), and iteration (repeat loop) in their student developed algorithm. Their explanation is good enough to where some one would be able to recreate their code. They state, "The algorithm uses nested if-else statements to identify which list will be copied from, by looking at the first parameter. Inside the if statement matching that parameter, are another set of if statements to determine where the list should be copied over to."